Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm baaaaack!

I've been cooking like crazy lately. I'm working hard at cutting out processed foods so I'm busy perfecting everything from granola bars to cookies to crackers. I'm obsessed with growing a healthy family and that means making a lot of kid (and husband) approved foods that aren't full of high fructose corn syrup, chemicals, and words I can't pronounce. I probably won't include as many pictures as I used to, and my layout may not be as consistent, but I will share all I can when I can. Stay tuned... first up will be MUFFINS! Yum!
Now, I'm off to go eat some of those muffins. ;)


Melanie said...

I'm glad you're back. Are you pregnant? You said kids and not kid in your about me.

Helen said...

I said kid, not kids... I better not be! lol

Anonymous said...

Made these muffins once - delicious - but a little too sweet, and next batch in the oven right now.
Mary, Canada